Me again

I've started cleaning the inside of the machine and it's really coming up quite nice. I've sent the ammo-belt off to be sand-blasted and will see how good it comes back. I'll post some pics when I've made a bit more progress.
My questions for now..
Firstly the bottle 'stand' at the bottom of the cabinet (apologies for probably using all the wrong terminology). It looks like it has been painted black at some stage, which judging by pictures I've found is not original. It's probably the worst condition area I've discovered (so far). The tray looks like it 'could' come out of the framework on it's own, but seems pretty solid so might be attached. I'll struggle to get it looking nice without sand-blasting, and the rest of the inside isn't bad enough to warrant stripping out all the cooling equipment to have it done (unless it does come out alone). I suppose I could rub it down and use a metal paint (hammerite over here is one) to give it a metallic finish, but happy to be advised otherwise if there's another way to restore it's former shine.
Secondly... there are thin wooden pieces that run around the internal framework, with the insulation behind. They're not great, especially the one across the bottom which is pretty rotten. It's only thin hardboard, can you buy these pieces or should I just have some new ones cut? or should I try and clean up and treat/stain the originals?
Finally, the spindles that the ammo belt runs on. These were all pretty grubby and none of them rotated when the ammo belt moved - altho the belt seemed to run around them with ease regardless. I've cleaned up a couple and the first one I put back in now seems to rotate freely, but there's not a great deal of lee-way (as in they might get gunked up and stuck again before long). Should these be greased (thinking grease and coke bottles not a good combination), or is it just that it's stood unused for so long the cause of them getting ceased-up and they'd be ok in regular use. I'm hoping you can get the spindles as one looks a bit sorry for itself and I'm not sure it's coming off in one piece.
Sorry to waffle (again), really pleased with my purchase, can't wait to have it looking nice (and maybe even working

). Also on the lookout for more

but as Dave said when I spoke to him (really nice guy) there's not exactly many knocking about in the UK.
Cheers guys