First it's normal for people that have bought and sold items all summer then have them delivery to show was included . And that's what you see a lot of . I know I did it . And because of Great friends and people I met there and here I was LUCKY enough to have my Machine (7Up 81 ). Delivered from New Mexico to Colorado and then to the show .Again a huge thanks for the support on getting the machine to me To Bob & Bruce & Kent Who is also a great guy and picked up the Bar tab LOL

There was still a lot of Buying and selling But personally I didn't go to buy . I did see a lot of cool items and signs but I spent Most of my time Helping move machine around for friends that have bad backs and need help .
As I'm the one with the week mind LOl

It was a good show I spent most of it all with friends !! Which is WAY more important to me since it's the only time I get a face to face I finally met Joey and. And other friend brought new friends Rodney and his family Mike and his wife
We had a great Party in Slider Bobs & My room with all the SMC people There was a over 25 people having a great time . Special shout out to Brenda & Linda for setting it up and making all the Drinks !!!!!!
I just didn't think to take pictures of the show