« on: November 14, 2015, 06:22:30 am » |
Well it is about 6:00 AM here in NC and am wandering all the goodies the members here are finding this year at the show. It would be nice if some of you who went would spoon feed some of us newbies and post some pics. I told,the wife I'm going to go to the show one day . She says maybe I will have time when I retire. LOL Lets see what you bought I need my picture fix.  Don
Vendo-39 Vendo-27a Vendo-56 7 up VMC-33 Popperette Vendo 27 Vendo 44 Pepsi Gullwing Minut pop Seeburg W You'll Like popcorn Glasscock Counter Top Popcorn Sez
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2015, 04:21:49 pm » |
Don I just got home from there and the only Goodies I found were the Members & Friends and new friends i met and Party with . That my main reason . The show was thin on a lot of stuff .Weather the day before I believe had a lot to do with it . Most of the deals seem to be done before the show . I know I moved a BUNCH of machines around Thursday and Thursday night  for members . I hope some one took pictures ?
« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 04:24:28 pm by Ltransam »
Glascock Counter Top VMC 81 7Up Vendo-110-81D-V-56 V-23 Jacobs Pepsi-56 Stoner Cookie &5 Pull Pastry& 180 Candy Kelvinator FS-51(Canada) Cavalier's C-55-E-C-55-D Selmix Sprite Selmix Pepsi on Draugh
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2015, 06:54:07 pm » |
Leonard glad you had a good time and saw a lot of good friends. Maybe I'll get to go sometime and join the partY!!! Maybe someone will,have a few pics to show.
Vendo-39 Vendo-27a Vendo-56 7 up VMC-33 Popperette Vendo 27 Vendo 44 Pepsi Gullwing Minut pop Seeburg W You'll Like popcorn Glasscock Counter Top Popcorn Sez
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2015, 09:14:49 pm » |
Kinda ruins the integrity of the show when all of the deals are done before it starts!
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2015, 08:40:18 am » |
Kinda ruins the integrity of the show when all of the deals are done before it starts!
I find this happens at some of the oil and gas shows as well.
Cavalier C1-55D Cavalier C2-55E Westinghouse WB126-B6-D (daily driver) Vendo 39
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2015, 09:32:48 am » |
First it's normal for people that have bought and sold items all summer then have them delivery to show was included . And that's what you see a lot of . I know I did it . And because of Great friends and people I met there and here I was LUCKY enough to have my Machine (7Up 81 ). Delivered from New Mexico to Colorado and then to the show .Again a huge thanks for the support on getting the machine to me To Bob & Bruce & Kent Who is also a great guy and picked up the Bar tab LOL  There was still a lot of Buying and selling But personally I didn't go to buy . I did see a lot of cool items and signs but I spent Most of my time Helping move machine around for friends that have bad backs and need help . As I'm the one with the week mind LOl  It was a good show I spent most of it all with friends !! Which is WAY more important to me since it's the only time I get a face to face I finally met Joey and. And other friend brought new friends Rodney and his family Mike and his wife We had a great Party in Slider Bobs & My room with all the SMC people There was a over 25 people having a great time . Special shout out to Brenda & Linda for setting it up and making all the Drinks !!!!!! I just didn't think to take pictures of the show 
« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 08:48:07 pm by Ltransam »
Glascock Counter Top VMC 81 7Up Vendo-110-81D-V-56 V-23 Jacobs Pepsi-56 Stoner Cookie &5 Pull Pastry& 180 Candy Kelvinator FS-51(Canada) Cavalier's C-55-E-C-55-D Selmix Sprite Selmix Pepsi on Draugh
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2015, 12:31:10 pm » |
Sounds like one hell of a party!
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2015, 08:13:50 pm » |
Leonard I guess what happens in Chicago stays in Chicago . LOL
Vendo-39 Vendo-27a Vendo-56 7 up VMC-33 Popperette Vendo 27 Vendo 44 Pepsi Gullwing Minut pop Seeburg W You'll Like popcorn Glasscock Counter Top Popcorn Sez
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2015, 08:30:56 pm » |
What happens in Chicago...... stays on facebook  Good to hear everyone had a good time! Wish I was there too. Maybe one day I'll head back. 
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2015, 02:04:27 am » |
Glad it is a good time. Seeing old friends and meeting new ones is all that matters. Creighton
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2015, 02:07:40 pm » |
I too failed to take photos and post them...for that I'm sorry. for those of us that go regularly we don't mean to sound "DOWN" on the show, it's just the same type of stuff each year.. and to say there where no deals there, has to be taken in stride as well? were their Vendo 81's for $500, and Rare Pepsi VMC 81's for 1000 .. of course not... but pending what your looking for you can find ALOT of things for sale at prices high and low.. I think for several of us that have amassed collections, it's hard to find that Unique or special item, so the show often gets a bad rap...
but for someone starting out and looking to acquire some nice items or maybe that one nice piece... there are several to chose from for sure.
so as far as not taking pictures.. from my end there is nothing I needed to photograph...
For sharing, yes I guess that would have been nice , but just dont' think if it while walking around.
I still manage to walk around for 5 plus hours and love looking at all the variety of things for sale... and keep telling myself "hey that is cool, but I really don't need it." but if $$ where no object you could ammas a super cool collection of things at just one show!
so if you have not attend, do make sure to do it someday and you'll have a great time and find something to take home...
and as others have said, it has turned into a great place to "Meet" and have some quality time with members and friends of the hobby!
Soda Machine Enthusiast since 1996!
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2015, 03:17:37 pm » |
That would be a great place to film a couple of episodes of Pickers.
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2015, 07:44:40 pm » |
Still haven't made it to a show. I usually watch the walk throughs on YouTube and drool. But hearing that most deals are done before they get there, would hate to make the trek and hear "sorry". Maybe one day I'll make it out there, at the very least to meet people from here.
I dreamed I had a good job and I got well paid. I blew it all at the penny arcade.
-Eric Clapton & B.B. King
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2015, 10:13:58 pm » |
I would agree 100% with John (Signguy). I go to the show to see old friends and meet new collectors as well as look for that item I've always wanted. Usually I end up taking something home I wasn't looking for thanks to Matt! Three years in a row he's found something interesting for me to buy. Haha. You do see some unique items but the more selective you become with your collection the harder it is to find things there. So I say its a must for everyone to attend whether new collector or old. You just never know what may be there. I did post a couple pics on my facebook of the show. The re sizing pics thing on here is kind of time consuming. Sorry
Siphonmix 5A Jacobs 56 Surevend P47 Mills 45,47N,65 La Crosse 56 Glascock Countertop ICY-O Cntrtp Cooler restored ICY-O 120 Liquid Carbonic Back Bar 1890 Fletcher, 1940 Fischman Fountains A-8, A-12 Industrial Carton Cooler Holcomb+Hoke Popcorn Mengel Wood Cooler