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Author Topic: Chicago Show  (Read 14530 times)
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Soda Jerks
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Posts: 570

« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2015, 05:55:45 pm »

Hey... we're not in Colorado so we're still just growing hay for our hay-recyclers, otherwise known as horses.  Being a vintage girl has it's draw backs. Broke my 1942 manure spreader after a load and a half.  veryangry I am getting tired of emptying that thing by hand with a pitch fork... Will skip the gym tonight. Will work on getting that 110 photo soon...

Soda Jerks
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« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2015, 07:24:34 pm »

Brenda  smile

It was my pleasure !!!!! To help supply your collection ! I have the up most respect for Yours and Linda hard work collecting the VMCs  
And I can't  wait to party in the room in the fall those drinks were GREAT !! You guys made And I should have drank more the 4  drinking

I really don't care as much about buying and selling at the show as I'm more interested in see the group  of friends I've made on Soda Machines because of Jim's hard work . Hanging with You & Linda ,Jim ,Bob ,Pat,Brian , George & Shane , Janet & Rod . And Chuck & his Buddy Matt that work the show to make it like it is .

And a Special Shout out to My Buddy Larry for finding me a Popperette over a year ago and then after the last fall show offered to rewire it for me because of my concerns .And ended up spending over 30 hours cleaning it alone and polishing all the parts and testing it WAY above the what I was expecting  tounge  

Even know there wasn't much there and the weather was all over I consider this the BEST Show I've been too !!!  Hanging with Family  smile
« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 08:44:16 am by Ltransam » Logged

Glascock Counter Top
VMC 81 7Up
Vendo-110-81D-V-56 V-23
Jacobs Pepsi-56
Stoner Cookie &5 Pull Pastry& 180 Candy
Kelvinator FS-51(Canada)
Cavalier's C-55-E-C-55-D
Selmix Sprite
Selmix Pepsi on Draugh
Soda Jerks
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Posts: 1288

« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2015, 09:06:21 pm »

Sorry I couldn't make it.  'Maybe' the fall show this year.  I had a great time the last time I went.


Embossed Coke Ideal 55 Slider
Vendo V-80 
Westinghouse WE-6
Pat Pixley
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2015, 09:08:29 pm »

It was nice to see everybody hung out with  so many great people  and bought some cool stuff ,  I have pictures out there  on FB and so does Curtis  stop by and check it out .
Soda Jerks
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Posts: 570

« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2015, 06:56:01 am »

Here are the promised photos of the Generic 110. Looks like it had at least two "previous lives," perhaps one as as Dr Pepper and one as a Pepsi? Check out the photos and see what you think...

Sorry if this posted a couple of times... had problems with picture size- think I finally got it figured out.

Soda Jerks
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Posts: 669

« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2015, 07:03:17 am »

Congrats b! Looks like a solid machine

I love quikold coolers
Soda Jerks
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Posts: 570

« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2015, 07:06:39 am »

Two of the best machine finders- Leonard and Slider Bob!!  These guy unearth some of the most amazing machines! Wish I could find them like they do.
Soda Jerks
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Posts: 1351

« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2015, 08:03:23 am »

That's a nice VMC 110 that Leonard found on the way to the show!
And are by far one of the best machine finders out there.  Leonard and I have nothing on you!

It was great seeing everyone at the show, and sharing a few stories/drinks with the gang over dinner and at the bar.  I managed to finally find a popperette (with no base and a repopped globe), but got one nonetheless. Special thanks to Brenda for pointing it out to me (see what I mean guys?), and a big thanks to John Nelson (Signguy) for inspecting it, and for his input and advice to make sure I didn't buy a "problem-ette".  I'm gonna wait on taking it to Larry for a rewire/overhaul as he just finished up with Leonard's popperette, and he needs a break!

Overall, the show was light on attendance (bad weather) and on soda machines, but was great on the social camaraderie front. Can't wait till November!

Restored Coke 81D
Restored Pepsi, 7up VMC 81
Restored Popperette
Restored Wayne 60
Soda Jerks
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Posts: 1982

« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2015, 08:01:56 pm »

I did my usual Thursday meet and greet with all the SMC members and as usual enjoyed talking to each other.  It's always fun to chat with a few members and hear some stories.  I bought an unusual shuffle from a guy in Canada, met him in the parking lot and loaded it into the mini van before the next batch of rain hit.  I had about two minutes to spare.  While walking to the front door of Portillos I saw in the far distance real dark billowy clouds with a huge wedge shaped bottom.  Me and some other guy stared at it for a minute or so and wondered if it was a tornado.  We both were like nahhh, and went in to eat.  That was about five or ten minutes before Rochele got hit.  I wonder if it was a tornado.  I never saw one before.

Leonard, you are welcome for all the dismantling, cleaning, drinking, polishing, more cleaning, more drinking, wiring, rebuilding, reassembling, adjusting, testing, ...holy cow that's a lot of words with "ing" in them.  Like I told you before, it's about time that you are on the receiving end of favors.  You always help so many other people out (including myself numerous times).  I wanted to make sure that it was in top notch condition when you got it.  I was more than happy to do it for you.  You are a great friend.  I hope you and Sue enjoy it.

Slider-Bob wants what.........ha, ha, ha, ha,.......that was a good one. laugh  laugh  tounge  laugh  biggrin  Oh Bob, you're such a funny guy.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 08:05:15 pm by Larry » Logged

A lot of stuff.
Soda Jerks
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Posts: 1930

« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2015, 08:24:53 pm »

That 110 looks nice, you can even leave it as is, displays well. I see both green and blue so Dr. Pepper and Pepsi would be my guess also unless a Dr. Pepper bottle door was put on a Pepsi machine? Either way very nice. What flavor is it going to be next?

Vendo 81A Original
Vendo 81B Original
Vendo 81D Restored
Vendo 56 Restored
VMC Pepsi 81 Restoredx2
Cavalier 72
Ideal Embossed Coke Slider
Stoner Theater Restored
Stoner Theater w/Gum Wheel Restored
Stoner Jr. Restored
Seeburg V200 Jukebox Restored
Seeburg 100C
Seeburg 100R
Seeburg 100W
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