I did my usual Thursday meet and greet with all the SMC members and as usual enjoyed talking to each other. It's always fun to chat with a few members and hear some stories. I bought an unusual shuffle from a guy in Canada, met him in the parking lot and loaded it into the mini van before the next batch of rain hit. I had about two minutes to spare. While walking to the front door of Portillos I saw in the far distance real dark billowy clouds with a huge wedge shaped bottom. Me and some other guy stared at it for a minute or so and wondered if it was a tornado. We both were like nahhh, and went in to eat. That was about five or ten minutes before Rochele got hit. I wonder if it was a tornado. I never saw one before.
Leonard, you are welcome for all the dismantling, cleaning, drinking, polishing, more cleaning, more drinking, wiring, rebuilding, reassembling, adjusting, testing, ...holy cow that's a lot of words with "ing" in them. Like I told you before, it's about time that you are on the receiving end of favors. You always help so many other people out (including myself numerous times). I wanted to make sure that it was in top notch condition when you got it. I was more than happy to do it for you. You are a great friend. I hope you and Sue enjoy it.
Slider-Bob wants what.........ha, ha, ha, ha,.......that was a good one.

Oh Bob, you're such a funny guy.