As usual I was cruising around Craigslist and stumbled upon a listing for an old pop machine. At first glance (a really poor one at that!) it looked like a ragged-out Vendo 110 that had been painted black. I didn't pay close attention and went on to another listing. I came back to it again and took another look.
Boy, I need to get my eyes checked!! After the second look I noticed that it wasn't a Coca-Cola machine at all, it was a Pepsi machine! Duh! I looked closer and noticed a large coin door with a handle sticking out! Turns out it was a VMC 110 Pepsi machine complete with a 5 cent change-giving mech listed for $300 and only 40 minutes away from me!!!
I called the guy up and talke with him for a bit about it and told him that I'd like to come out and take a look at it. This afternoon after work we load up the entire family and headed out. Got to the guy's house and he led me down into the below-ground garage where the machine was. For how it's been kept, it's in suprisingly good condition. It's missing all of the shelves but 3 and the locks are keyless. The main door had been popped open but the coin door was latched (not for long!) He told me that a guy that knew that had owned a bar in town used to own the machine and it sat outside serving the public for many years until he finnaly decided to get rid of it. He offered up to the guy, I assume for free, and he took it home with the intent of fixing it up.
I ended up getting the machine for $260! Here are a couple of the original pictures from Craigslist. When I get a chance, I'll post some of the pic's I took.