Chicagoland is like an adult Disney world. All those restored
slot machines, soda machines, signs, is really nice
inside. This event pleases husbands wives children grandparents.
They are not there to buy unrestored stuff so if that parking lot
fee is as high as an indoor space you should pass.
The Kane County event, 10 miles away and 2 days prior, is
the place to sell unrestored machines and parts. I got there at
7:00 A.M. the first day and had to park a half mile away. Cash
was flowing and trucks were loading when I walked through the
gate. Didn't see too many women or kids there though, maybe
that's cause the place is usually a livestock arena!
Got really slow by Thursday afternoon and many vendors were
packing up to move to the parking lot of the bigger show.
Maybe some other people here can get a machine or 2 to
the show and share a space. An SMC booth!