About 6 months ago I picked up a beater V90 locally for $75. The refrigeration was shot but the machine was otherwise in decent working condition with only few bottle shelves missing and the vending stack rigged for free vend.
I met up with Josh a couple of weekends ago to pick up a jukebox and a free, working refrigeration deck that had been removed from a transitional Vendolator 81.
Long story short, I shoe-horned the donor deck into my V90 and it works like a champ! The only prob is the lines on the 81 deck are configured for the right hand side instead of the left side like the V90 requires.
After a a lot of inspection and flipping the deck around, I came to the conclusion that the refrigeration lines cannot be physically bent or moved into a position that would facilitate the evaporator being installed the "correct way". In fact, no matter how you orient the deck in the lower compartment, there is no way to install the evaporator so that it sits facing the proper direction (fins to the front, fan pulling air from front to back). If you try to instal it as is with the lines on the right you run into the problem of the main door liner having no cut-out for the lines and the main door itself doesn't have the cut-out as well.
So.......ended up installing the deck perpendicular to it's original, correct position. Basically the compressor is nearest the main door and the condensor coil is next to the back of the machine with the evaporator also being perpendicular to it's original position. Doesn't affect operation of the machine.
Is it the way it was intended to be installed? Nope! Does it work and does it look decent, Yep! Either way.....
Vendo - $90
Trip to Dayton, OH - $40
Getting a free, working refrigeration deck from a good buddy that you haven't seen in 4 years - PRICELESS!