Allright! I 'm able to get back in to the posting area! ( Thanks Jim) Just a quick post on a Cavalier 64 I'm in the process of reassembling ( proof that I do work on Cavaliers & occasionally a few "Coke" machines!

). I had to modify a later model CSS64D lightup sign & frame to adapt to this earlier chassis ( it was missing ) with an inset (innie vs outtie?) maindoor, had to give the frame a 1/2" chop in height to fit the lightup opening. (Another thing to admire in Vendos parts compatability between all of the V63/V90 models)
But, all in all, this is probably one of my favorite Cavalier models, as the nice chrome coin entry bezel really adds some snap & dimension to the front door. plus I have two doner machines ( both 64D's) to help out with missing trim & such. so now on to the final install of the doors insulation, wire harness,& liner & bottle portal trim. The compressor deck is waiting in the wings to be slid back into place, as is the bottle rack & shelves.