These must be in season this spring, as It's about the third one to be mentioned on the site, I found this one on Detroits' Craigs list. runs great (nice & cold) no rack or coinmech housing, but it did have it's cap-catcher, the gentlman who owned it last used it as a chest cooler in his basment, so he blocked off the hole for the coinmechs' shaft & the mounting holes that held the rack, it's in very nice shape, straight & rust free. the black paint drips are just latex paint, seems to come off easy enough.
He also has a 1960's Vendo VF/ H-63 on Craigs list, but he's asking a bit too much ($800) in my option, it's super straight/rust free & completed right down to it's original fixed price coinmech, and has a new thermostat installed, it runs like a top & nice & cold too! paints a bit faded, but would rub out nicely ( Yes, I said I'd plug it for him here at the site!)

I suggested $350-600/tops
He also has a V23 spin-top /10-cent machine that he'd consider selling also.
anyway here's a link to the add on Craigs list.