I'm the guy who had all of the 8 oz bottles stuck. I FINALLY got em unstuck. Don't ask me how..I just did it. DIdn't break any either! WD40 on a bottle goes a long way.
Anyway, I have a couple of questions:
HOW do you stack those bottles? Is there a science/way to this? I mean, the cans are working perfectly. But the bottles, the lil 8 ozs, drop like 2 or 3 at once into that bottom holding area. That's what hung em up before.
Also, what's wrong with this picture? This is the controls or whatever you call em for the one where the bottles were hung. That thing is dangling now. Once, I poked it back up into the round thing and it spun quick and all the remaining bottles dropped that were in the shute. Is this fixable? It's ok if it's not. I printed a flavor strip that says "No Coke for you" that's in that button.
