« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2005, 04:41:49 pm » |
I just spoke to a very pleasant lady at Funtronics and ordered my bits and pieces. A few hundred dollars worth. No problems at all. Decals on the way in the post. I really appreicate all of you that volunteered to help me out.
On another note- I was enquiring about the modified drum. It would appear that he did once sell a drum that vend cans. I have actually seen one of these in action and it would be ideal for me. Cans here and over there are the same size. Does anoyne have one of these that they could post pictures of so that I could make enquires about getting one made up.??
The ther modified drum that vends the 8oz bottles again has anyone used this??? Does it allow for longer length bottles or just the wider width.
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2005, 05:25:25 pm » |
If I'm understanding your question correctly, there is no size difference between the older 6 1/2 oz bottles and the newer 8 oz bottles. The glass is thinner to accomodate the extra 1 1/2 oz of soda.
Originally, Vendo manufactured a drum that had stamped holes in the backing plate at each bottle slot to allow for longer bottles, such as a 12 oz bottle. The bottles would be loaded "bottle cap in" in order to fit into the hole and the patron would just remove the bottle by pulling it from the bottom instead of the bottle cap... I have only seen two of these types of drums. I'll assume these drums where introduced in the mid to late 50's so V-39's could remain in service. As far as the can version is concerned, I haven't seen one or installed one...
My six cents, Jim 
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2005, 08:17:59 am » |
Hi Jim
thanks for the reply. It would appear that even the modified drum would be no good for me. Coca Cola here only sell in two glass sizes. The samller type that is sold as a mixer in bars. They fit the drum but are just a tadge too small. The second type is larger and too wide and long to fit the current hole.
What I would like is a drum that could vend the plastic bottles. They are the same size as those sold in the US but again they would appear just that bit too long.
Even if I spoke to a company to get a drum made up I doubt they could find those couple of inches to accomadate the plastic bottles.
« Reply #23 on: December 02, 2005, 06:27:54 am » |
Check out this Ebay auction
Maybe this would work out for you or they could put you in contact with someone who has installed one to see if it would fit your needs. I've thought about putting one in one of my machines, but that is still a ways down the road.
« Reply #24 on: December 02, 2005, 08:02:17 am » |
Hi LuAnn
Thanks for the link. I will e-mail the chaps for more details. I fear that shipping may once again be the problem.
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2005, 09:37:29 am » |
They also have a website. I know Steve Ebner from Funtronics works closely with these guys and speaks highly of them. Here's the link:
Cornhusker Sign
Mid-Atlantic Chapter
Cavalier 51 (1953) Cavalier Airline Cooler 7-Up Picnic Cooler Vendo 110 (1957) VMC 56 Bottle (1964) VMC 56 Can Westinghouse Master Water Bath Cooler Westinghouse Standard Ice Cooler Westinghouse WB-102 (1963)
« Reply #26 on: December 02, 2005, 12:58:48 pm » |
I have seen the Vendo 39 can dispenser. It is really neat! It is not a drum. 3 rows of cans are loaded in their "S" shaped channels similar to modern machines. Open the door and pull one of 3 trays holding the lowest can. This ad is from 1998 and I don't know if it is still being produced.
« Reply #27 on: December 02, 2005, 02:29:54 pm » |
that's exactly the drum I saw at a Jukebox show a couple of years ago. The dealer was not very fothcoming with where he got the drum from. Said he could get me one but for £600.00 which I thought was too much.
Next week I'm going to take my drum to a local metal works to see if they can modify it form me or even build a new one from scratch. Can't see how they can physically make the holes wider to accomadate the plastic bottles. There isn't that much drum between the holes there now. Can but try though.
Funtronics definately don't sell the can one. If I could get hold of a picture of one I could ask the metal works whether they could knock one of those up.
I'll send a e-mail to the address above too. Never know they might still be in bussiness.
Thanks Everyone
« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2005, 03:24:22 pm » |
I tried calling didn't get very far. The first number is for OSH Industries whatever that is. Lady told me Lyle is an employee who sells Honda parts on the side. She gave me another number to try that is disconnected :-( I'll try the "evening" number tonight. Creighton
« Reply #29 on: December 02, 2005, 04:52:41 pm » |
Here's an idea Dave. Maybe have a shop make up a bottle holder using the theory of the can unit pictured, gravity feed. No crank handle action needed. Open the door, pull out your selection and the next bottle rolls into it's place. In fact, I'll bet there's a dozen people in this group that could come up with a simple design. On one side of the machine is a chamber holding Coca cola, and on the other side, two slower sellers. Each brand lets it's bottles roll toward the door in the center. Add pullout trays and cans can be used. I have a 39 which is useless because it is missing a drum, and know there are hundreds more like it around. Anyone want to create and patent this? Even better if it were able to be shipped un-assembled.