The 1015 is the Vendo 44 of jukes. Both pricey but the one everyone sees and knows and wants although not practical for home use. 78 records and 8 oz single vend bottles.

and they where both repopped by Wurlitzer.
(a true story 3 years ago. I'm not so familiar with English language but i hope it's legible)
I had always think that a 1015 would add some great color in combination with car-sofas and gaspumps i planning to restore. However i don't even looking for one because i know they are out of my pricerange.
Until My brother ask if i want buy his friends-fathers jukebox!!! For 15000sek aproximately $2100.
It have a damaged plasticpanel on each side but the others was in good shape he said. I ask if he had a picture. -No. So i ask if my brother could try to describe it.
-You know a usual jukebox with lights and buttons!!!!

Ok (i think) $2100 probably something from 60's or 70's due to the higher price in this corner of the world.
After a week i ask if he had get any pic's yet, He haven't. The week went on and in the end of the summer i meet the son to the seller of the jukebox.
I ask if it was sold. and how it looks like. -Yes it's sold directly at "blocket" (swedish craigslist) and it was for 78's and have rotating color and it bubbles!!!!!

I should jump on the telephone and run to the car directly.
However next winter i spend much time on the internet searching for a 1015 and then i find OMT 100cd 1015 in Denmark for half of the usual (craigslist) price.
Of course the real deal from 46-47 have much brighter color and real crome ornaments but i never regret that i buy a OMT cd, i use it almost everyday.
The history was never ending. Last week i find (but never call) a Ami continental II with missing amplifier and a door on the side, 2 hours from me. for a 1/8 of the usual price. I thinking to slooooow

Here is my baby!