When you say "find", does it have to be one that you actually procured for yourself, or can it be just any machine you've located along the way, regardless of whether you wanted it or not? Didn't have an overly successful year as far as particular wants go.
The CS-72 for $400 OBO was a good candidate, particularly if it worked. I can't remember whether it did.
http://soda-machines.com/discussions/index.php/topic,18428.0.htmlThere were a couple of working USS-64's at good prices during the late spring and early summer, but I wasn't able to capitalize on either of those.
The "First Coke machine at Wrigley Field"* or whatever it was- not really a great find, but certainly an unusual one.
*For the uninitiated, this was the hull of a Ideal or Glasco slider rigged up on a cart to pass for a soda fountain like device.