me and 2 buddies took down my 3 door to the basement.
I have 2 stairs to the basement... a typical curved stair, where there was NO way it was going down that way because of the length of the cooler in relation to the radius of the curve....the railings would have to come off then it would work.
The second stair is from the mud room, and it is a straight stair with a bottom landing, then 2 more steps down ("L" shaped stair) We had to tilt the cooler on its end to get it into the mud room... then once in, we had to lay it back down.... we had 2 guys on the bottom, one on the top... laid out moving mats all on the stair and then let gravity take it down..... once we got to the landing, we had to stand it back up again to make the 90 deg. turn to go down the other way......
If the cooler were a 1/4" bigger, IT WOULD NOT HAVE MADE IT DOWN lol.... there was a point of no return where flashes went thru my head of me having to torch the cooler up because there was no way it was going down or up lol.....
Then we gave it one last PUSH and it somehow made it down. the base chipped the drywall a bit, no biggie, yet the cooler didn't get a scratch on it

years from now when I'm dead, whoever lives in my house will wonder how the heck did they bring this thing down lol....