Hi Shane,
I've been going for years. I live about 45 minutes from Hershey. It is a huge show. Obviously a lot of car stuff, but a fairly decent amount of gas pumps, old signs, etc. Last year I saw maybe 5-10 booths with coin-op. Curtis (Memory Lane Restorations) was there last year with a decent size tent. I stopped by, but he was out and about. If you are selling, I think the prices were pretty steep - so you might make out well.

There should be a lot of places to stay in the area, but the show is sooo large that you might need to stay outside of the town of Hershey. I usually just park in the regular parking lot (fields across from the parking lot), maybe Curtis or someone else from outside the area can offer some advice.
If you go - let me know, I always look forward to a chance to meet any members of this board!