Well we all hate when a part does not come back from ________ (fill in the blank Chromer , powder coater, who ever) and then you get a call from________
and they have sent it out then your good . Well this case my chromer had two of us in that deal with soda machine parts well two of my parts ended up by
mistake going to this other person( the guy that was wrapping the parts know it went to this other person) Got my box of chrome and those two parts are missing called my chromer told him he has a picture of what came in and what went out (does this with everybody) told me he would call me back had to make a call to the other customer , Well after a hour went by my chromer called me and said the other customer said they did not get it . I say OK. chromer said he will get those parts for me and get them sent out with my other parts and we are good .
Well I was looking around some other sites and stopped by this person's site and he had a machine done and had a picture of the inside of the coin door area and every thing was painted
except two parts !!the same two that came up missing that this customer said he did not have
I came close to calling him and call him what he is
a thieve , and then I thought I would let people know here and call him out here (he does come to the site ) But cooler heads pervailed , This person know what he did and it will catch up with him.
And if this person read this I'm going to let you know I will not help you out, I will not hook you up with parts, I will not store a machine for you, and I will let our
other mutual friends know what happenedand what you really are .