Here are a couple more. This was a better location for the show but the show could be advertised a little better. Pat is correct on the prices that the guy wanted for the crossing guards. He told me he found the Coca Cola one at a school auction in Tennessee. He said they actually had 3 more but they had all been run over by cars so he passed on them. He found the red one with the woman in Kentucky. From my discussion with him, he has had both for quite some time. He said that he is selling off some of the floor items to make room in his shop. There was a classic car show in the parking lot as well. A lot of nice cars from the 50's, 60's and early 70's but an older one caught my eye. If I had sold a few more items (like my boat, all my machines, my house . . . .) I would have been driving home in a nice white convertible!
Thanks for putting everything together Pat! Good to hear johnie sold the Pepsi. I suspect that Pat will sell his Vernor's or at least get some work out of all of the cards that were picked up. Any luck selling that last slider Bob?
