"And now, the rest of the story!"
I have always wanted a jukebox but I had been able to fend off that bug and concentrate on other items, that is until Rod showed off the juke that he picked up at the Chicago show!
Thanks Rod!
Anyway, I started poking around looking at machines on CL and E-Bay; but knowing nothing about them, I enlisted Kilroy to give me a little direction on models, values, parts availability etc . . . . He pointed me to a pinballrebel.com which has a great directory of all of the models with pictures and I quickly decided that I liked the Seeburg "Tail-light models"--KD 200, KS 200, 161 or 201. As Kilroy pointed out, so do a lot of other people, his exact words were "Not quite an RC 81 but more like a 7Up 81!"
I have been searching and searching and coming up empty,
considering other models, almost compromised and bought something else; but, Kilroy told me to be patient that one would come along. Well yesterday it did and today I am picking it up. As noted earlier, my wife gave it an enthusiastic "Go for it! That will be fun to have in the basement gameroom!"
Just checked it out and my son and I will be heading out with the truck to pick it up in the next hour. More pictures to follow but here is a preview shot!
Thanks again Kilroy for all of the help in the past and all that I will need in the future!
PS: Kilroy is also a good marriage counselor--he has instructed me to make sure that I buy my wife's favorite song and get in playing on the jukebox! He also assured me that this machine will go for $5,000 or $6,000 once it has been restored!