I am reassembling the cabinet on my 110 and am getting ready to put the liner in. However, I recall the fun in getting the drain tube out when I disassembled. How exactly is that tube held in there? It appears as if the end may be flared a little to keep it from dropping through the liner, but what else (if anything) holds it in place?
The 110 has the wood frame (which is a

), so access to the tube is virtually impossible with the liner installed. So, my thought would be to:
1. Get the tube in position by putting it up through the liner from the bottom.
2. Flaring the end.
3. Gooping it up with silicone before dropping it down in place so it seals around the liner (or should I coat the exterior of it with somethign like JB Weld to hold it in place?)
Basically, I am looking for how you guys do this, since once the liner is resting in place, you cannot really get underneath it because of the wood frame.