not sure but hope this is the right place to say thank you for
letting me join this group i have had the fever to own my own machine's for some time
well a few weeks ago i got the chance to own my first when i rescued what i thought to be just an
old pepsi cooler from being thrown in the trash mutch to my surprise arter doing a little web surfing
i find out what i thought to be just an old cooler is actually a cornelius slider with out the coin mech or
the vend gate but am still happy with it and that i saved it from the trash then friday i bought my second machine
its a pepsi dont know much about it as in age model it has some issues but am happy with it and will work out the bugs as i go
but i have been bitten by the bug its kinda like my first tat after the first i wanted more more more
ok ill hush now once again thanks for letting me join and if this is the wrong place to put this im sorry im a newbe