I finally figured out that darn turntable problem!
After INTENSE studying of the wire schematics and a lot of multi-meter Ohms probing I found a reversing switch located on the rear selector wheel assembly.
Now when the top side of the record (Or Odd Number selection) is chosen, a small tab cycles through and turns this switch on which turns on the turntable motor and spins it CLOCKWISE.---- NOW I found out power also runs though this same switch when the Bottom side of the record (or Even number selection)
is chosen too, its just that the tab does not turn the switch ON so power is routed to the opposite side of the turntable motor, and spins it COUNTER CLOCKWISE
After taking apart the switch and testing it, it was fine. Both coils on the Turntable motors ohm out good too. SOOOO the wire probing started, and I found the broken power wire from the harness to the switch! Replaced and Works great on all 48 selections now!! Now just finishing the fine tune adjustments!! which are about 20 of them.

Amazing technology to behold how everything cycles in harmony!!!