But are people actually getting the prices they are asking? Once they are told the bottles are worth $$$ or they see something on TV, are they able to actually sell for those prices? If not, they are going to have to come down or sit on it. I think the problem will be (or is) when people are paying those prices like they were with the housing market a few years ago. That's when the market will be screwed up. If not, won't the prices just adjust?
What I notice is crazy prices and things that used to sell quickly now sitting on the market for ages because the seller actually believes his price is right and that everyone contacting him is lowballing him or just being cheap... after all, if they saw an "expert" saying it must be worth a ton of money, the expert MUST be right, right?
What sellers DON'T seem to realize is that NOTHING is worth more than the market will bear... yes, once in a while the seller will encounter a buyer with more money than brains who just HAS to have his item, but with money as tight as it is I don't think there are many of those around any more...