Ball bowlers are a lot of fun.
Some of the United's I worked on had tons of parts to take off and clean/adjust. Especially the multiple game bowlers where they had 26 score/frame/player reels, ten or more steppers, and twenty or so relays. Yep, they are a little more advanced than the turret games, but they are worth the time. I really like them.
Leonards having a ball with his.
I see that this was Ballys first ball bowler. It has no gutters, kind of like the only bumper bowler out there. Very cool glass!!
Does it score like regular bowling? Some of the older games had a certain value for strikes and spares instead of figuring out the actual score. It looks like a single game bowler so it shouldn't have too much to go through.
If you have any questions, feel free to pm me.