Well I am working really hard on my coin mech reproduction project and need to buy tools. I have collected several other coin mechs getting ideas on how to best make this repop mech. I am really close to making a small door large door conversion.
Because of this I have decided to sell this large door change giving mech out of one of my 81's. this will give me extra money to buy the tools I need to make the mech's and get me motivated to make the replacement mechs since I now have a machine missing a mech. This mech for sale is a fantastic original. It is set for 10 cents and works great and gives change for a quarter. The ebay link is
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110529859494&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT#ht_500wt_1182Or item #110529859494
This mech did come out of an 81 so no shaft modifications need to be made to make it work in an 81,110,56, 44 (except VMC44). I apologize for putting this on ebay first but I need the money to buy a metal break, mig welder, and air compressor. I am hoping with parting out this C51 and this coin mech I will get the money needed to at least cover half of the tools. I should have a prototype mech in two to three weeks!!