Welcome to the group!

Great Juke Box you have there. I love the looks of that vintage Rockola.
You certainly have to keep the War Department happy; but, remind her that you are not in the bar, betting on the horses or chasing loose women (at least as far as she knows)

! You have stumbled onto a great hobby and a great group of guys who are always willing to help and share their knowledge.
Bubba is right--the thrill of the chase is the best part of this hobby! I started about 16 months ago and have averaged some sort of coin operated or related item per month. Such as:
Cavalier USS-8-64 Coke with beautiful wood grain!
Vendo 39 early model
Stoner 180 with Gum Wheel no Fresh Candy
American Penny/Fortune Scale
VMC 144SA Coke embossed
Heintz C2P Embossed Canada Dry--sold to another SMC member
Condom Machine--hey I have two teen-aged boys!
Stoner Junior with Gum Wheel/Fresh Candy
National 7 Pull Cigarette Machine
Big Plastic Coke Bottle Store Display Cooler
Antique Automatic Electric Wall Phone
Candyette 5 cent Candy Bar Vendor
National 9 Pull Cigarette Machine
Coke Fishtail Sign
Vintage Coca Cola Store Display Rack--got mine for $25--there is one listed for over $600 on E-bay--I think I hear Supertramp "Dreamer" in the background!
Stoner 180 no Gum Wheel/Fresh Candy
Ideal 55 Embossed Royal Crown Cola
Kelvinator FE-S-52
Oops! Looks like I violated the one item per month rule somwhere along the line!

Not to mention:
Appliance Dolly
Air Compressor
Soda Blaster
But I can stop

anytime--REALLY!!! Actually, so far I think my investments are outpacing the market--at least that is what I will keep telling myself!
Okay, "Hi, my name is Tim and I am an SMC-aholic!"
