The stuff just piles up if you let it. Before I started the nut machine, I just finished the two Stoner Gum machines and the two Superior gum machines. I sold the one Superior last week and this second one I'll try to sell next week. It's a small dent, but you just have to keep plugging away. I still have an ice cream machine, the stoner cofee, and the Mills 400 to do. Plus finish the basement, and various other home products which always get in the way of the fun stuff.
I have tons of pictures of my first Popperette and of the second. Sometimes I can't even remember how old I am, let alone where all the pieces go. Pictures are the best memory. If anyone needs any help on a Popperette, feel free to write. I get lost electrically on the later versions with the two relays. Here's some information that I put together and sent it to this guy, Clay, so he could post it. I wrote up a sequence of operation and made a schematic for my earlier version machine. Mine uses a mercury switch instead of a relay. The other pictorial I picked up from some one else. By the way that's my first Popperette in the photos. I'm looking forward to your call. I was trying to figure out where you picked up your name. Seeing it's a soda site I thought you were soda k bob. Now I realize it's South Dakota Bob.
Lastly, to Cokemachines and more, who are you and when were you in my kitchen?