I am assuming she was the typical gold digger. She had nothing but a job
making $2500.00/mo. then marries a guy with a house and 6 figure salary. In less
than 2 years is asking the judge for her freedom and $3500/mo. from the
poor S.O.B. who was gullable enough to take her in and marry her.
As more of this story unfolds we will find that her family was coaching her
along, as he calmly waited until they were all under the same roof to take out this
act of revenge on them all.
I'm not trying to be funny here, but with all this guy was losing that judge
should at least have let him keep his dog.
Divorce judges have sided with the woman in almost every case I know of,
so it must come as no surprise why men are afraid of commitment. And this could
only get worse if we were to elect a female as President of the U.S.A.
As terrible as this act was, it may expose the frustration our judicial system
puts on ex husbands and the thoughts that rage through their minds as a result.