Hello, All

Im gona try 1 more Time to answers your replys And as Larry (Mills 400c) said Copy before I post Incase it goes in to space again Thanks for the Hint Larry !!
Tom (Collecture ) Your probaley correct I beleave it is a Dime Only .The little coil had a piece of thred arount the little lever thingie .I have Not tryed to see if it accepts coins yet because I have to get the Mudd dubers (Wasps) nest cleaned out of it .
R C Kidd -Yep it was long But Not My Longest I drove 900 + round trip Non-Stop to Pick up My Queens Ice Maker With A Galaxie & Tomstone Dispencer Mounted on it > And Of course A 3 hr drive threw a down pour.
Terry Sodaworks - Thanks!! Ever thought of Moving to the east say Cincinnati I need a Restorer in the area .
Bubba & Killroy . Yea I got my buddy started Before I moveed in He had Only the Largest Corvett Decanter Collection I'v Seen (Jim Beam ) More the Beam & The Corvett Museum Have . But Now at least 4-5 machines & Stop light & Walk Dont Walk Lights a few signs & A 60s model gas Pump .
Jim - Thanks Need any other Pictures let me know
Pat - You know anthing you need ! Do I still have to take a Picture With a Regular camera & mail it to you ?
Creighton -- Thanks It Was touch & go there for a little wile I was worryed that what happen to Poor Matt might happen to me If I did'nt move fast .
Moondawg Glen - I'l bring the rain But I got find a Thunderbird First

Still the funniest D#m thing I'v seen in the last couple of years THANKS
Leonard ( Fingers Crossed )