« on: June 22, 2008, 03:12:39 pm » |
Hey everyone, My names Jim and I'm from Bakersfield, Ca. I just picked up my first Coke machine, a Vendo 6 case for $275. I've been wanting one for awhile now this was about the best deal I've seen (locally anyway) since I started looking so I went for it. It's alittle rough and missing a few racks but other than that, it's all there and works great! I plan on keeping this forever and eventually restoring it. If anybody has any racks they want to sell please let me know. I talked to the guy at Soda Jerk Works and according to him (can't remember his name) he said despite the fact that collector's don't value them as much as the coin-op version 110 is said that the 6 case's are more rare. True? So these were made from the late 40's through mid-50's correct? Anyway, I'm glad to finally be apart of the community!  
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2008, 03:17:32 pm » |
You did good on your first buy. You didnt pay to much, the last 6 case vertical I sold brought $400.00 and wasnt as nice as yours. I personally like the 110 / 6 case verticals nice machines. Good luck, if you have any questions alot of people here have the answers.
Collector of nice original paint machines
Vendo 81 B, C, D VMC 81 Pepsi, 7up, RC, Generic 6CV Coke, RC, Pepsi VMC 110 RC Vendo 39 Jacobs 26 Mills 47 Selectivend 64 7up NOS Plus 30-50 parts and project machines
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2008, 03:27:48 pm » |
I think Steve Ebner at Fun-Tronics sells repro wire shelves. Welcome...$275 is a good deal. 6CV's are nice - all the benefits of a coin-op 110 and 1/2 the weight!
Cav 27, 33, CS-55E-2, 72 S-48 DP Ideal CC 35, Barq's 55 1930s DP Counter Cooler Vendo Coin Changers (ea. style - orig w/ stand) Vendo Junior (rest.), 23 Deluxe, 39D, 44, 56RT, 80SS, 81A (orig), 81D, 6 C.V. VMC 27, 27A, 81D DP, 110 DP Westy WC-42-T, WC-44SK, WD-5(2), WB60 Victor C-14
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2008, 05:04:43 pm » |
Thanks!  Question: Did the 6 case ever come with a door light? Did the 110? Can one be installed? I could have swore I remember seeing some that had them 
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2008, 06:52:17 pm » |
Welcome to the group Jim, glad to see another So Calif member here. Terry aka Sodaworks, is in Tehachapi and I'm in Ventura. You bought that machine at half what it's worth, and the plus side of the non- coin operated version is you should be able to stock cans which are much easier to aquire than bottles. If Self serve 110's follow the trend of other 110's, I believe the early models had no bottle door light while the later version did. It may be a lot of trouble to install one in that wood framed door. 'bout a few more pictures of that 57 Chevy? 
« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 10:06:59 pm by MoonDawg »
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2008, 08:49:34 pm » |
I don't think it would be hard to modify a light bar in a 6CV - pretty similar in fact
Cav 27, 33, CS-55E-2, 72 S-48 DP Ideal CC 35, Barq's 55 1930s DP Counter Cooler Vendo Coin Changers (ea. style - orig w/ stand) Vendo Junior (rest.), 23 Deluxe, 39D, 44, 56RT, 80SS, 81A (orig), 81D, 6 C.V. VMC 27, 27A, 81D DP, 110 DP Westy WC-42-T, WC-44SK, WD-5(2), WB60 Victor C-14
Pat Pixley
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2008, 09:13:56 pm » |
Welcome to the site  For you first machine you did well. Steve Jebb is the person that you talked to and he sell the shelve's, He a great guy to know  . Well great first machine, but you will have more in a few months  it's just the begining  .
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2008, 09:23:14 pm » |
Welcome to the club Jim! 
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2008, 09:54:41 pm » |
You did pretty good on that one. More machines will now start to follow you home. So be carefull.
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2008, 08:34:41 am » |
Welcome, Jim! Very nice machine. You can figure out when it was made if the data plate is on the machine. Look at the serial number. The first 3 numbers are the key. The first number tells you what year in the 1950's it was made, and the second 2 tell you the month. For example:
304 = 1953, April (04)
212 = 1952, December (12)
Mid-Atlantic Chapter
Cavalier 51 (1953) Cavalier Airline Cooler 7-Up Picnic Cooler Vendo 110 (1957) VMC 56 Bottle (1964) VMC 56 Can Westinghouse Master Water Bath Cooler Westinghouse Standard Ice Cooler Westinghouse WB-102 (1963)
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2008, 11:46:04 am » |
Thanks for all the replys! Wayne - Thanks, you just answered my next question which was going to be "how do I find out what year the machine was made". I looked at the serial number and it is E305 so based off of what you stated the machine was made in May of 53' correct? Moondawg, ask for more and you shall recieve..............LOL 
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2008, 12:23:42 pm » |
Fifty7, Nice buy for your first machine but these guys are not kidding about more machines turning up that you have to get!!! I bought my first machine in March of this year and now I have 4. Cavalier USS-8-64--good original working machine Vendo V-39--current restoration project Stoner 180 with Gum/Mint--on deck restoration project Vendorlator 144SA--restoration project in the hole! A machine a month may be a bit of an aggressive pace!  This group is a valuable source of information if you are looking for parts, restoration advice or machine values. If you are not sure about something--ASK, they won't steer you wrong! Welcome to the group!  Tim
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2008, 03:22:09 pm » |
I looked at the serial number and it is E305 so based off of what you stated the machine was made in May of 53' correct?
Yep, that's correct. BTW - NICE CAR!!!!!!!
Mid-Atlantic Chapter
Cavalier 51 (1953) Cavalier Airline Cooler 7-Up Picnic Cooler Vendo 110 (1957) VMC 56 Bottle (1964) VMC 56 Can Westinghouse Master Water Bath Cooler Westinghouse Standard Ice Cooler Westinghouse WB-102 (1963)
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2008, 10:14:05 pm » |
 Sweet Car! and machine... now all you need is a couple gas pumps, a Jukebox and maybe a candy machine of somesort... oh yeah you've only just begun! Welcome! Hope you stick around! great site, great group!
WANTED: Embossed Quikold Standard
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2008, 09:06:37 am » |
Eric, Without a doubt, a jukebox and a few gas pumps would be great. Boy those gas pumps go for some $$$$$$$$$$!!! Gotta start saving my nickels and dimes for one of those 
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2008, 06:34:56 pm » |
Well, I finally got the machine plugged in and filled it with some Boylan's and beer!  I put a thermometer in it to see how cold it is getting and also when it turns off and on just in case I needed to make an adjustment. I'm not sure where the previous owner had it set. I think I got her dialed in at shuts off at about 35-36 and kicks in at about 45-46 from what I can tell. With a full' will cycle about every 45 min. to an hour which to me doesn't seem bad do to the fact that it is a 50 year old machine sitting in my 90 degree garage. What do you guys think? Do these numbers sound good to you guys? Also, I've been told that this machine will cost me an arm and a leg to run as far as power usage. Any comments on that? Keep in mind, that I live in the Central Valley and PG&E has some of the highest energy cost out of all the utilities...........
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2008, 07:39:22 pm » |
Glad all is up and running! Nice 57 by the way. You may want to pick up a copy of the new Hemmings Classic car.
Cycle times look correct. A new main door and bottle door gasket may help.
I think PG&E (Pilfer/Gouge and Extort) will only take an arm :-) I ran my V-56 RT in San Jose for 4 years maybe $20 bucks a month more. The enjoyment far offsets the cost. Creighton