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Author Topic: Bottle Racks - VMC 56  (Read 11897 times)
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« on: March 03, 2008, 05:37:08 am »

Hi guys I'm about to take out the bottle racks (vending assembly) in a VMC 56 square top to give everything a good clean.
As a real nooby is there anything I should be careful of when doing this apart from turning off the power!

Appreciate any words of wisdom Smiley


Soda Jerks
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« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2008, 06:39:35 am »

The shelves just lift out of place... no problem. The stack has a bit more weight to it that you may expect.   at the bottom of the rack, there is a metal box that covers the vend solenoid. Remove the 2 wires to that .  I think most guys here take the mounting screws out starting at the bottom. When you get to the last one on top, just hang on to the stack and pull it out.


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« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2008, 10:06:21 pm »

Thanks Bubba, shall follow your advice.
I took out one screw last night that had a bit of rust around it, Now i've taken it out it does not go back just spins in free space?? (I think the rust may be more than on the surface.

It seems to me the refrigeration unit and floor pan would have to come out so I can get to the rust - unless there is some quick fix I could try with a rust converter?

Is taking the refrifgeration unit out something a novice could do?
Also does the floor pan come up very easily?
(is that ordinary putty in the corners or some special adhesive?)

Sorry for so many questions Smiley)
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« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2008, 10:07:07 pm »

Soda Jerks
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« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2008, 11:41:25 pm »

In your 'rust+pan3' pic, I am not so sure that is bad rust. Vendo, VMC, etc put down a putty type substance around the bottom edge of the tub. To me, that is what it looks like in your pic.

Taking out the refrigeration unit is not that hard - maybe 8 screws/bolts!
Make sure you have something to set the evap assembly on so you do not bend the refrigerant lines. You want it to resemble the way it is inside the machine.
1. Remove the two screws on the line cover and remove it.
2. Remove the 4 screws holding the evaporator assembly.
3. Remove the two bolts holding the compressor plate down.
4. Slide the whole unit out.
While you have it out, go ahead and install new fans and a t-stat for'll be glad you did!

Cav 27, 33, CS-55E-2, 72
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Vendo Coin Changers (ea. style - orig w/ stand)
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« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2008, 12:34:44 am »

Hey Collecture thanks for that!
 top pic has rusty bolt lower pic shows the putty around the erdge of the cabinety base
Does that stuff just peel/lift up with a scraper?

Soda Jerks
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« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2008, 01:02:36 am »

Does that stuff just peel/lift up with a scraper?

Yes - it should scrape right off.
I am not sure what you might have available to you in Australia, but a some kind of window putty should work. I use an electrical putty called duct seal.

As far as the screw, unless you are restoring or there is bad rust, just replace with a slightly larger screw.

Cav 27, 33, CS-55E-2, 72
S-48 DP
Ideal CC 35, Barq's 55
1930s DP Counter Cooler
Vendo Coin Changers (ea. style - orig w/ stand)
Vendo Junior (rest.), 23 Deluxe, 39D, 44, 56RT, 80SS, 81A (orig), 81D, 6 C.V.
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« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2008, 05:54:12 am »

Thank your Sir! will follow your advice and also look out for Duct putty Smiley

Soda Jerks
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« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2008, 07:46:50 am »

I have also used clear silicone caulk before and it worked great.
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2008, 11:36:24 am »

There is also an Aluminum Colored Grey Silicone Caulk that I use on my restored machines... matches real nice.

Soda Machine Enthusiast since 1996!
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