I have a Pepsi machine that I want to replace the front logo panel. I find screws with nuts on them all along the edges. However, I cannot find the front of the screws. I figure they have to be concealed in the front to keep people from robbing the machine, but I am starting to get irritated.
There are metal pieces along the edges. Those seem to be taped on with double sided tape. I can pull off the top piece, but I am thinking the screws are under the second piece. I have no idea how to get it off. I tried prying on it, but it doesn't work. Most of the time, my putty knife would go behind the front panel, and not in front of it but behind the metal thing.
Here's my machine:
http://www.ceetus.com/pepsi/DSC00009.JPGI pulled off the top piece at the top of the machine (you can see the double sided tap that held it on):
http://www.ceetus.com/pepsi/DSC00010.JPGHere's a screw on the inside (it's also on the support thing that keeps the lights from getting smashed, but there are several screws all around the edges):
http://www.ceetus.com/pepsi/DSC00011.JPGHere's the piece I pulled off sitting on the top of the machine: