The tutorial can assist you with re-assembling the crank handle, the internal cam, and spring.
Below is an exploded view of the parts from a manual.

Here are the parts ready for assembly:

Step 1.
Insert the Spring(#82) and Rests(#81 & #83) into the Handle(#78). Pictured, I am
using channel locks to compress the Spring slightly.

Step 1a.
Slightly insert the Cam(#79) as pictured, then place the Pawl(#80) between the Spring Rest
and the Cam as shown. Make sure the Pawl is almost all the in at the Spring end while the
Cam end of the Pawl should be half-way on the edge of the Cam (see photo).
Note: The Pawl may have slightly different bevels on the end towards the Cam. If so, make sure the larger bevel is upward or facing the top of the handle.

Step 2.
Now all you have to do is squeeze the Cam into the Handle. This forces the Pawl to compress
the Spring allowing the Pawl to fit into the Handle. See photos...

After fully inserting the Can into the Handle:

Step 3.
Place the Cover(#84) onto the Cam and fasten with three screws.
Place a small amount of white lithium lubricant on both sides of the cam. This will ease the counter-clock-wise rotation of the handle for opening coins doors.

Step 4.
Replace the three retaining screws for the cover.

That's It!