Restored I've seen them go anyware from $250 -$400, depending on the model or the "you're nuts" level of the seller. I think i paid almost $200 for my Western Electric, then another $150 to replace the hanset and handset cord with the correct tpye, and repairs to the coin mech. It's fun watching the the 20 something year old neices and nephews be amazed at a rotary dial It also makes me feel old when I realize they have never seen a rotary dial phone of any kind other than in old photos or movies.
Most of the repro's I've seen use touch tone push buttons on the dial face, it's practical, but takes away from the cool factor. Much like the LCD display on the Wurlitzer Vendo44.
Nice score Brian. Most of the parts can be easily found on Ebay., or search the earlier discussions here, I remember Eric and myself discussing sources for telephone parts. I use Coinco for most of my parts, i can get the info when I get home
BTW, the phone would look really, really good in a 1950's phone booth