We'll after the long ordeal with my Vendo 81 for $75 that went Belly up, I have another machine I'm working on that will ease the a Pain a bit!!
I found a garage sale ad that listed a "Have A Coke" Machine for sale... by the wonderful technology of Reverse address Lookup, I found the phone number of the seller. I called yesterday and asked if I could have some more info on the Coke Machine he was selling, He begain to tell me about it and said it had a glass door on the left and the lettering was sticking out on the front where it said Coke. He didn't have a model number but by his description that was good enough for me as it was either a V81 or Cav 72 I thought! I casually asked how much and he said he needed $300 for it or he'd keep it cause "These Coke Machines are Worth Alot of Money" he told me! I asked if I could come see it today and he said yes after 5pm.. SO I'm heading out tonite to see it at 5pm and based on the photo I got late last nite I'll be buying it!

It's not a Vendo 81 for 75.00 but I'll take a Cav 72 for $300 anyday too!!!