« on: June 05, 2007, 10:25:22 am » |
Ok, I said I'd never get into square tops but well things change and I find myself finding them pop up around me lateley. However I am not that familiar with pricing on them so was wondering if we (as a group) could put together our own Price List for what these machines should go for based on a good condition, complete operable machine. For example: Vendo 56/63's $350 Larger machines like cs 80's $275 Lacrosse uprights $275 Just examples as I don't know....
Looking to buy a CS-80 but don't know what to offer, I was thinking 200 would be fair? close? What do you think Thanks John /Signguy
Soda Machine Enthusiast since 1996!
dr galaga
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2007, 04:29:43 pm » |
I think I paid around $500 for my Vendo 63 three years ago. The V63's and Cav 64's are popular machines, so I would say that $350 is on the low side. You are probably about right on the larger machines. I think I paid around $250-$275 for my CS-80 (plus cooling rebuild, plus paint - but that's a story for a different day). LaCrosse machines are hit-or-miss. Sometimes they may fetch $275 like you said, but I would say they go for a little lower. You may even have a hard time giving one away!
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2007, 09:03:43 pm » |
I think the prices are area related on the square tops... Here are some of my last machine purchases
very nice white V63 can machine with a Coke/ DP lightup sign in complete, working condition. - $135 - I've got my eye on another one for about $200, but I haven't discussed price yet.
USS64 - nice complete condition, needs a compressor - $50
Nice V63 Bottle machine good cosmetic working condition with a lightup sign for a buddy for $100. He of course put a big scratch and dent in the side of it loading it in his van... '>
found A V56 bottle machine for under $100 within 15 min from my house.
I've gotten a few 56 can's in fair useable condition for less than $100.
I've seen machines at higher prices, but not selling...
I'm trying to stockpile, but my wife is starting to put her foot down. Currently, I have 2 - 63's, 2 USS-64's, 3- 56's (Possibly have one 56 sold, but 2 more to replace it, and one more 63) '>
Of all the 56's I've seen (not that many), they have ALL had rust and crappy paint issues. The 56 appears to be a cheaper machine.. its also lighter than a 63.
V-63 -Bottles 2-Cavalier USS-64 VMC ST56B Royal Crown - being built Vendo HA56C Coke 2-V63C DP V63C Coke U-Select-It 5cent candybar machine
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2007, 10:08:33 pm » |
I would have to agree with bubba on location. other than a C55 or 81 ST I wouldn't pay over 250.00
TERRY@SODAWORKS RESTORATIONS Lots of Round Top machines Buy-Sell-Trade-Restorations
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2007, 08:36:33 am » |
Thanks Guys.... I'm hopeing to pick up to ST56's next week, maybe a Cav 64 and possibley a Vendo 56.... Oh and also got a lead on a Glasco SLider, missing rack for 100, might have to put it in the trailer too. We'll see should be a fun week... '>
Soda Machine Enthusiast since 1996!
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2007, 09:36:31 am » |
I see Bubba and probably others are stockpiling these type machines. When do you feel the time will be to begin to release them at a good profit? A few years, 10, 15 years from now, or more? I might put some away as well for a future investment. Do you think they will ever "catch on" as the round tops?
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2007, 01:23:10 pm » |
(cormy @ Jun. 06 2007,10:36)
QUOTE Do you think they will ever "catch on" as the round tops? I would venture to guess that there will be a pretty good market for them as roundtops will be harder to find and as long as prices stay high on them. It seems like most "Common" people (non of us), always think back to the "Old Coke Machine, the one with the little door on it where you open it and get a ice cold coke" They don't ever seem to recall if it was round cornered or not. SO I think that as long as it's a bottle door vendor there will be a market for them, maybe not as high as the roundtops, but a day where they'll bring $1000 or so? Just thoughts
Soda Machine Enthusiast since 1996!
Pat Pixley
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2007, 02:15:38 pm » |
Like John said as round top are getting harder to find and going up in price , The next thing would be the Sq. tops and the Vendo 63 & Cav. 64 are going to be the hot items. Just think what come after that the big monsters from late 70, 80 & 90 those will be it one day, People will be looking for those as collectors '> .
And I hope that is a long long time down the road. Pat
Pat Pixley
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2007, 10:48:54 pm » |
Oh no question on the V-63's and the C-64's , But think about whats going to be the next big thing , Itis going to be those little counter top coolers or those big push button coolers ?