« on: March 23, 2003, 10:34:39 pm » |
Hi, I am a newbie. I just bought a Westinghouse WC102MD Coke machine. The seller said was working, oh well same old story. Anyway, After plugging it in the evaporator in the cold section seems to work(coils get frosted)& sounds like fan running. But down below the (Compressor? ) fan does not ever come on. The machine seems to cool some but not nearly enough. What is going on? Is it safe to run this way? Thanks, Steve
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2003, 10:57:07 pm » |
No Don't run it for too long if the lower Condenser fan/motor ( the one next to the compressor) isn't running! You will over heating the compressor and run the risk of overpressuring the cooling lines, althought the thermal circut breaker (sometimes called a Clickit) should turn the compressor on & off to help protect it it too may be defective. the fan is basically wired in Parallel with the compressor and is an easy fix if you're handy, a replacements less than $20 @ Grainger, and another $5 for a matching 7-8" fan blade, when you get ready to order the new motor, just be sure to match the rotation of the old one usally marked on the end cap if it say's "CCW" this usally means counter-clockwise as viewed from the electrical lead end,(rear) , unless noted otherwise on these small "unit bearing" type motors, and if it's "CW" means clockwise rotation just get a fan that matches your motors rotation NOTE you want the fan/motor to pull the air across the coils first then blow it back across the motor, keep that in mind. well I hope I didn't confuse you too much .hope this helps...JohnieG
Spoon-feeding Newbies since 2001...  Yeah..220,221 whatever it takes. Remember, all it needs is a shot of Freon! The Vendo V-83 is the '59 Edsel of the coke machine world. ;p Spray painting does NOT restore a compressor 11 is louder than 10... "Hope" is good, but it's not an action plan.
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2003, 11:08:15 pm » |
Thanks JohnieG, i just went down & unplugged it. The compressor was not running, but had been because it was hot. I guess the thermal switch is working. So I guess because the compressor is not being cooled by the fan it is not running long enough to get a good cool down in the cold part of the machine? Is this correct? Now about the fan motor, How do I get that out without breaking the coolant lines that run up to the evaporator. I am very new at this & very much appreciate your help so far! Thanks, Steve
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2003, 08:29:39 am » |
YEP! if you'd have let it run you'd have burnt out the "Clikit",I just double-checked by having a look at my MD102, now first you'll have to take off the little chrome line protector that the cooling lines & wires are under at the bottom lower right side of the cabinet, next remove the bolts that hold the compressor deck (metal-plate) to the floor of the machine, there's enough slack in the copper lines to slide the deck out about 1/2 way without removing the evaporator from above (which on this machine is a real pain! as you can see it's kinda crowded up there!) Now carfully slide the deck forward and gently guide the cooper lines so they don't get crushed or kinked, (they're pretty flexible just don't let them get any sharp kinks or bend them back & forth a lot) now you should have enough room to unbolt the motor's mounting braket & pull it out of the machine, leave yourself enough slack in the old line cord to splice into, or if it's brittle, replace the whole cord, just pay attention to where the line connects to & you'll do fine, reassemble and test BEFORE you side it all back into place :'> and Tada! your done!
Spoon-feeding Newbies since 2001...  Yeah..220,221 whatever it takes. Remember, all it needs is a shot of Freon! The Vendo V-83 is the '59 Edsel of the coke machine world. ;p Spray painting does NOT restore a compressor 11 is louder than 10... "Hope" is good, but it's not an action plan.
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2003, 07:36:50 pm » |
Thanks Again JohnieG, I found a replacement fan. I had a little trouble modifying the bracket so it would fit. But it is working fine now. Now my beer is getting cold. Next stop getting a new coin mech & changer so this thing will vend. Could have not have got it going without your help. Steve
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2003, 08:58:44 pm » |
Well if you want to start enjoying a cold one while your looking for a coin mech, here's a handy-dandy free-play switch diagram that'll work for your machine, also handy for trouble shooting too, you can leave it wired in place after you get a new coin mech. and use either a coin or free-play. enjoy! and post apicture of this puppy too we luv pic's '>
Spoon-feeding Newbies since 2001...  Yeah..220,221 whatever it takes. Remember, all it needs is a shot of Freon! The Vendo V-83 is the '59 Edsel of the coke machine world. ;p Spray painting does NOT restore a compressor 11 is louder than 10... "Hope" is good, but it's not an action plan.
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2003, 09:38:17 pm » |
Here is the machine. A little rough but it's getting cold! Thanks, Steve
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2003, 10:52:53 pm » |
Excellent '> Glad to here it's running, Hope it wasn't too tough to chang it out, let me know if/when you do the Free-play switch. JohnieG
Spoon-feeding Newbies since 2001...  Yeah..220,221 whatever it takes. Remember, all it needs is a shot of Freon! The Vendo V-83 is the '59 Edsel of the coke machine world. ;p Spray painting does NOT restore a compressor 11 is louder than 10... "Hope" is good, but it's not an action plan.
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2003, 06:19:47 pm » |
I tried your switch set up but nothing seems to work. When the jones plug from coin mech is plugged in I can lift up the vend relay selenoid manually & the machine will vend. oops not anymore, sparks flew. Any Ideas? I can still manually rotate the motor cam off the switch next to it inside the cold area & it will cycle. Thanks, Steve