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Author Topic: Ideal Slider -- cooling, then not cooling  (Read 32140 times)
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« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2007, 10:24:32 am »

The refrigeration mechanic came by, but I'm not sure I'm sold that he knows completely what he is going on with my machine.  His analysis was that it was likely a bad piston inside the compressor that was getting stuck after an hour or so as a result of a rough spot.  He said it likely works again after being turned off because the oil covers the piston again.  He said he didn't think it was moisture in the system because he said it wouldn't frost on the inside of the cooler if that was the case.  Not sure if his analysis meshes with what I've read...Anyway, his suggestion is to buy a new compressor and have that installed...but in so doing I'll be another $450 into the machine.  For that price I could just buy a working Pepsi slider  '<img'>   I guess this is a lesson learned about making sure everything FULLY functions prior to doing any work to a machine.  

If I can get the freon recharged for under $100, do you think it is worth the attempt?  Am I correct that this would require a tap since this is a closed system?


Ideal 55 Slider - Coke (1st machine) - gift for father
Ideal 55 Pepsi (single dot) - almost finished restoring
Ideal 55 7 Up - need to pick up
Ideal 55 Generic - at my parent's
Vendo 110 - currently restoring
Vendo H63C - cleaned up and operational
Westinghouse Cooler - Collecture MADE ME buy
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2007, 10:40:17 am »

R-12 is the best way to go, and if you can get the unit recharged for less than $100.00 it would be worth it.

Also, you can put R-409 in the system, I've done it to mine about 5 years ago and it is in use every day and it works fine.  I've done this to many other systems both big and small since R-409 has come on to the market. If the tech. knows what he or she is doing, you should not have any problems.

For your refrigeration guy, I think he needs to back to school.


Vendo H63B  Coke in use in basement
Vendo V/VF63/7  Pepsi in use

Restoring: Glascock Standard
(2) Vendo 63
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Westinghouse WE-6
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« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2007, 11:03:12 am »

Thanks Yarochrehc.  Does this require a tap into the compressor system?  That seems to be the case, but I want to make sure.

Ideal 55 Slider - Coke (1st machine) - gift for father
Ideal 55 Pepsi (single dot) - almost finished restoring
Ideal 55 7 Up - need to pick up
Ideal 55 Generic - at my parent's
Vendo 110 - currently restoring
Vendo H63C - cleaned up and operational
Westinghouse Cooler - Collecture MADE ME buy
Soda Jerks
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Global Compressors (Eric)

« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2007, 11:11:04 am »


how's that OBAMA CARE workin' out for ya?
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2007, 11:11:52 am »

Yes, a service valve or tap will be needed to do this.


Vendo H63B  Coke in use in basement
Vendo V/VF63/7  Pepsi in use

Restoring: Glascock Standard
(2) Vendo 63
(2)Vendo 90
Vendo 126  waiting for paint
VMC 56
Westinghouse WE-6
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2007, 11:29:15 am »

Try this,  when you are around the machine for awhile.  Plug the machine in and let it frost,  unplug the machine let it set for a few minutes and then plug it back in and let it frost.  Try this for several times.   I dont know if the tech you had was right or not but if the machine and been sitting without running for awhile you might just work by this rough spot and get it going again.   Heck, it is worth a try and you might save the re charge fee...Of course if it starts overloading turn it off and go to plan B
Soda Jerks
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« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2007, 11:58:12 am »

Most soda machines require a line tap to service the system.
but the Ideal 35 and 55  have fittings for this purpose.
       Your refrigeration guy told you that the piston got stuck while in operation?  Have you stuffed a rag into your fanblade and determined that the compressor has stopped pumping?  You will be able to feel the vibration if it is working and notice when it stops.
       Water in a liquid state can travel with freon and frost up the liner.  As the moisture droplets cool to below 32 degree's is when they become a solid and block the line.

10 Cent Member
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« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2007, 11:58:46 am »

What would be symptoms of overloading?  Thanks for all the input.

Ideal 55 Slider - Coke (1st machine) - gift for father
Ideal 55 Pepsi (single dot) - almost finished restoring
Ideal 55 7 Up - need to pick up
Ideal 55 Generic - at my parent's
Vendo 110 - currently restoring
Vendo H63C - cleaned up and operational
Westinghouse Cooler - Collecture MADE ME buy
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2007, 12:10:32 pm »

You didn't state if the compressor was still runing in the morning or not. We have used R409 for about ten years now, putting it in place of R12. Sometimes you can use an adjustable wrench and spin it around a piece of copper to help straighten it out a little better. That ref guy could have changed the drier, pulled a vacuum and recharged it fairly easy, and then you would have known if it was a restriction or bad compressor. I hope you get it fixed.
10 Cent Member
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« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2007, 12:52:11 pm »

Thanks Jerry.  The compressor is still running in the morning and is still warm, but the cooling plate inside the machine and the copper running to the compressor are no longer cold.  I think I have done a fairly good job of straightening the kink, so I don't think it is an obstruction...

Just to restate in case I haven't been clear enough:

Turn on machine -- INSIDE of machine frosts (as it should) and gets cold
Leave machine on evernight -- all frosting inside machine is gone and machine is no longer cold
Compressor and fan runs throughout

Ideal 55 Slider - Coke (1st machine) - gift for father
Ideal 55 Pepsi (single dot) - almost finished restoring
Ideal 55 7 Up - need to pick up
Ideal 55 Generic - at my parent's
Vendo 110 - currently restoring
Vendo H63C - cleaned up and operational
Westinghouse Cooler - Collecture MADE ME buy
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