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Author Topic: Roll on painting  (Read 6192 times)
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dr galaga
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« on: May 10, 2006, 05:40:05 pm »

On another forum I'm on someone is attempting to fix up some VW Bugs (long story on that one).  Painting was brought up and another member put a link to this forum (starts at 69chargeryeehaa's post).
For those of you who have some time here is the main part:
here's how i painted my car for about $50, it's actually very easy and the results are amazing. First off, get a can of tremclad real orange (or what ever color u want) in the can, not spray, yes tremclad, it is a acrylic/enamel paint which is very durable. next prep your car as if was any other paint job, fix all the rust, need to prime the car since the tremclad allready contains elements which allow it to be painted over bare metal. next, after prepping the car get a small 4" professional FOAM rollers, it's tiny and has one end rounded off, and the other cut straight, and is a very high density foam. u also need a jug of mineral spirits to thin the paint. The thing i really like about this is that there's no mess, no tapeing the whole car, just key areas, and u can do it in your garage, since your not spraying there is virtually no dust in the air, just clean your garage first, also it does'nt really smell at all, dries overnight and it super tough paint. also it you decide to paint the car professionally later, just prep and paint, there's no need to strip the tremclad. i have done this to a few cars, and i can say it works amazing, u just have to be paitient. next u thin the paint with mineral spirits so it just about as thin as water, a little thicker. get out the roller and paint away, don't get the paint shaked when u buy it, enamel is stirred, otherwise you'll have bubbles in the paint for a week!!! after u do 2 coats, wet sand the whole car, then repeat, 2 coats, wetsand, 2 coats wetsand. i painted the charger using a can since your not spraying the car u use all the paint and not spray 50% in the air, use progressivly finer sand paper each time. it's not really that much work, cause u can stop and start any time, u can do just a door, or the hood, ect. do one panel at a time, and don't stop once you start. once your done the final coat, wetsand with about 1000 grit to a totally smooth finish, and then using a high speed polisher i use a buffing bonnet and turtle wax polishing compound. do the whole car with this, and i'm telling u, depending on the amount of time and paitence you have, the results are amazing. laugh if you want, but for $50 ($30 for paint, about $20 for rollers, sand paper, ect...) it really looks good. also you can do these steps overnight, paint one evening and by morning u can wet sand. i have personally done alot of painting, mostly single stage acrylic enamel, and i've sprayed several cars in my garage with really good professional results, just it stinks, it's a real pain to do, easy to make a mistake, messy, and expensive. The tremclad is awesome paint, the "real orange" is an amazing hemi orange, and almost looks like it has some perl in the sun, awesome color right out of the can. I used this technique on my 1974 beetle also, here are the results:...

Has anyone here tried this method on a soda machine?  The paint they are talking about is regular brush on Rustoleum here in the US.

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« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2006, 06:02:11 pm »

Interesting, wonder how well it would hold up.
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« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2006, 10:18:10 pm »

I would have to see it done in person. It sounds like a load of crap to me. '<img'>

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« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2006, 12:26:48 am »

I don't believe I'll be trying this paint method. '<img'>

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« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2008, 05:45:25 pm »

I know this is an old post, but I'm kind of new here and came across this thread while researching paint. I am a big muscle car guy (a buddy and myself are currently working on getting a T/A Challenger restored), and remembered reading about this painting method in an issue of Hot Rod magazine. Here is a link

I'm not quite sure about it either and it does seem very labor intensive, but it doesn't seem too bad.

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« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2008, 12:20:25 am »

That sounds pretty interesting. The only problem that I can think of would be it would take a lot of sanding. Rolling the paint on would probably make the finish very uneven so sanding would be a nightmare. It would be worth a try though. The worst thing that would happen is you would have to strip the machine and start over. If it cost $50 for a car it would cost about $10  for a Coke machine. It would be worth a try. 
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« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2008, 11:23:05 am »

I worked for a small vending operator for 10 years, when I would need to refinish a cabinet I would use Rustoleum satin black and apply it with a roller. The results were great! Of course on a standard vending machine cabinet there isn't any embossing or any other things that could cause issues.
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