<font color='#000000'>You'll find a few off brands in VMC V-81's say for example Double Cola, but 95% of them aren't embossed, there is no "official" list of all the unknown soda brands that may have been produced by VMC, these were usually generic machines that relied on silk-screen logos & decals to identify the machine for that particular soda producer, as for embossed machines, In my personel experence I've run into many so called "Rare" machines that have 98% have turned out to be fake-fantasy machines (such as a Vernors embossed VMC V-44) , I'm not saying that they aren't out there, but buyer beware...I've seen an Orange~Crush VMC V-81 that was just knock down, eye popping beautiful, but it was just a fantasy machine made from an upright cooler panel embossing stitched-welded onto the front door of a generic V-81.
So if you run into a "Rare" embossed Grapette VMC V-81, & they want big bucks for it (don't we all!) it's simple, before you shell out +$3K, have them remove the door liner & have a look-see at the back-side of the embossing of the door, if you see "stitching" (welding marks from a MIG welder) or other signs of metal work, you've got yourself a genuine Fake..either that or they'll throw a fit & say that they won't tear it apart, blah, blah, blah, yada-yada. I've done this with cash in hand ( & a big buddy for backup!) told them if it's real I'll buy it on the spot, all they have to do is pull the panel off, & let me inspect the machine, amazing how this will piss-off the "seller" (being polite here) & then they'll tell you to get the F#$% out of here. hmmm wonder why? <!--emo&

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http://soda-machines.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/oops.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='

In summary, I treat these machines like I treat "Custom" '57 Chevys, I won't pay top dollar for a wheel-tub'd/hood cut/blown, big block engined machine, as opposed to a true original example. simple. buyer beware... <!--emo&

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http://soda-machines.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/suspect.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='
