« on: September 29, 2005, 05:00:39 pm » |
My wife works for a couple that owns a RV park, an apartment complex, and several rental houses. This past weekend they allowed me to take one of my soda machines over to the apartment complex and set it up in the laundry room. Only the residents have a key to the laundry room, so that should cut down the chances of somebody vandalizing the machine. About 80% of the residents are collage kids so selling soft drinks should not be a problem. The best part is the owners don’t want any of the profit from the machine. So all of the profit will go into this fun but HEAVY hobby. Good thing I own a 1 ton pickup truck…..
Hey Spider, thanks for the parts and hopefully we can do business again.
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2005, 11:58:45 pm » |
The machine I am using is a RC Vendo 348 6 selection 70’s can machine and yes I have RC in it. My wife is there at least 5 days a week and if something did happen to it I would just sick her on them. Plus I put this warning label on my machine.
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2005, 06:22:32 am » |
That's an absolute riot!!! '>
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2005, 11:21:03 am » |
Where did you get that sticker at? I need one of those. '>
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2005, 06:45:26 pm » |
I bought two CDs that have scanned soda labels, prices, manuals, warning labels, and templates for pop flavor strips you slide into the buttons on soda machines. I paid $20 for the CDs and they have saved me a lot of money. With photo paper and a printer I can make pop flavor strips that looks like the real thing. This warning label was printed on a sheet of paper that had a sticker backing on it. If this machine was outside I would have to use some laminate on the warning label to keep it from getting ruined. Spider, I sent you a ready to be printed BMP of the warning label.
After 6 days I pulled $13.00 out of my RC Machine today. Went to the store and bought a case of Mountain Dew and Dr Pepper and put them into the machine. Mountain Dew and Dr Pepper are selling the most, with Pepsi not even selling one can. Right now I am making around .23 cents a can profit. That does not seem like much but it does add up real quick.
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2005, 09:49:53 pm » |
I too enjoyed reading your label. Is there a source where others might find the CD's for sale?
Seems like the sweeter flavors are your best sellers. Might you try Coke instead of the Pepsi. A counterpoint to the sweet flavors.
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2005, 10:27:58 pm » |
Looks like they are only selling DVDs now and the disks have been updated from when I bought mine. If you need flavor labels this is what you want to buy. Flavor Labels DVD on E-Bay
I do have Coke in it and it is selling, but not as good a the Dr Pepper and Mountain Dew.