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Author Topic: Coin mech not working  (Read 6555 times)
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« on: August 27, 2005, 09:23:26 pm »

I have a coinco 9800.  My machine was wired for a free vend switch, but I have pulled that off and put the coin mech back and it will not accept any coins.  This is a good clean mech, what could be the problem?  

I had the same issue with three seperate coin mechs.

Help please!!   '<img'>  '<img'>  '<img'>
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« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2005, 11:34:21 pm »

We need some more details.  What does the coin mech do with the coins?  Also, let me throw in a quick disclaimer:  my eyes are still pretty goobered up from the recent surgery so everything's blurry and I may be misspelling some words.

Anyeway, are the coins all being sent straight through to the change chute?  If so try the following:
1.  Unplug the coin mech Jones Plug but leave the soda machine plugged in and running.  Remove the slug rejector from the coin mech.  It's the entire upper half of the coin mech and it's usually held in place by two spring operated hooks, one on each side of the rejector.  Now plug the coin mech back in while watching the two CREMS (Coin Rejector ElectroMagnets).  They should both click and draw their respective "fingers" in toward the magnet.  If the rejector was in place, this action would cause the fingers to be drawn out of the coin chute path thus allowing coins to pass through the rejector and operate the coin vend relay.  One CREM is for the nickels and dimes path, the other is for quarters.  If only one CREM operates, check that you have enough coins in the change tube to activate the change tube switch.  This switch tells the mech that there is enough coins in the tube to make change for a quarter and thus allows the quarter CREM to operate.  Try putting nickels in this tube until they activate the tube switch.  This should cause the quarter CREM to activate.  If not, you have a bad quarter CREM so quarters will not work in this coin mech unitl the CREM is repaired/replaced.  This won't affect the nickel/dime path.  If neither CREM activates, look for loose wire connectors in the coin mech.  If nothing is found, chances are both CREMS are bad and need to be replaced.  

2.  If both CREMS appear to be operating correctly, test the coin rejector by removing it from the coin mech, setting it on a flat surface and running various coins through it.  If working correctly, the coins should exit at bottom right of the rejector.  If they're hanging up or sticking even momentarily, they'll exit via bottom left (right and left as seen looking at the front of the rejector as you'd see it on the coin mech).  If this is the case, the slug rejector needs to be cleaned.  Use regular dishwater soap (Dawn works well) and a scrub brush or toothbrush to clean the rejector.  I find that scrubbing it in a sink full of water or otherwise submerged works best.  After allowing the rejector to dry, lubricate the slug testers, these are the weighted cradles that rock in one direction or the other to pass xoins through the rejector or drop them into the change chute.  One in particular that always gets forgotten is located under the flat plastic or metal piece on the lower portion of the rejector. That one never gets lubricated thus sticks and sends everything to the change chute.  Lubricate these rockers sparingly.  Only a drop of oil is needed.  Also, it's best to remove these cradles by using a jeweler's screwdriver to remove the small "E" clips holding them on their respective shafts.  Lightly sand the shafts to remove rust, etc. then lubricate the rocker hole and replace on the shaft then re-install the "E"clip.

Hope this helps and hope I didn't mispell too badly. '<img'>

Eric "Joe Squid" Johnson

1955 Vendo 23 - awaiting restoration
1959 Westinghouse WC-44SK - awaiting parts
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« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2005, 11:46:15 pm »

Sorry.  I missed your first statement that your problem occured with three coin mechs.  Sounds like it could be a wiring problem in the machine due to the free vend switch.  I don't have any of my schematics with me so can't be of much help right now.  Maybe JohnnieG can assist here as he is much more accomplished than I in this area.  What kind of soda machine do you have?

Eric "Joe Squid" Johnson

1955 Vendo 23 - awaiting restoration
1959 Westinghouse WC-44SK - awaiting parts
1967 Cavalier CS-64G - functional in house
1969 Vendo 63 - in restoration
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2005, 08:32:31 am »

Joe thank you for the advice.  The machine is a USS 96.  The CREMs are not pulling back.  These coin mechs worked before I wired the free vend.  What did I do to make them not work?

Joe sounds like all went well with the surgery and your spelling looked good to me.

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This is fine...everythings going to be OK....

« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2005, 09:01:20 am »

I agree with "joesquid", it sounds like the vend switch down at the bottom of the bottle gate isn't giving the coinmech a "ready to vend" signal (an open circut on the normally closed contact side of the switch), so with the coinmech. removed, & the machine plugged in, there should be linevoltage between the N.O. contact of the switch & ground
(N.O.=normally open) also check for a continously lit "Have-a-Coke" light, this would also indicate a stuck/broken vend switch, I don't have a schematic specifically for the USS-96, but here's it's counsin the CS-96's diagram, they should be wired very simularly, look for line voltage at pin #6 that would pull in the CREMS (Coin Reject ElectroMagnet) back thru the green wire all the way trough the wiring block & the vend switchs N.O. terminal, also make sure that the C (common) terminal is also receiving line voltage...also note that in this diagram, the CREMS are givin the "ready to vend" signal via pin #6 while most modern coinmechs are looking for this signal to be coming in on pin #7! this could explain why all 3 mechs wouldn't accept coins.  '<img'>


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