<font color='#000000'>First things first,This Idiot has absolutely <u>NO</u> Idea of what he's doing, but thanks to murphy's law & natural selection, he will soon be removed form the gene-pool <!--emo&

--><img src="
http://soda-machines.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/laugh.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='

People, even if the system was charged with miracle Pixie-dust, [technical name.. IP2] frosting 4 feet up a suction line is...
A).A severly overcharged system, hacked together by a moron, awaiting an impending severe system failure.
B).An enormous puddle in the making when this glacier defrosts.
C).just plain Stupid.
D). All of the above, especially the part about a torch & a propane charged system...
you will see more about this "genius" in the obituary section, god forbid if he's married, but I hope that if he is, that his wife has the good sense to take out a hefty insurance policy, 'cause it won't be long...</font>