Greetings all,
I was on here 10 years ago and received tremendous help with a problem. Here’s the link if anyone is interested:,17519.0/all.htmlI now have the same problem, but I am unable to resolve it this time. You can see from the photo where the dime sticks. It does that at that point most of the time. Sometimes it will go through correctly and other times it will stick higher up so the coin reject will work. When stuck at the lower areas I can exert some pull on the magnet and it will work.
I’ve taken the magnet off and cleaned it and the area with acetone and alcohol with no result. I’ve also soaked the entire mechanism in hot soapy water as Slapshot42 suggested 10 years ago; no help. Any suggestions? Like I said, if I pull the magnet just a little, it will drop correctly.
If I can’t fix it, is there someone willing to repair this at a reasonable cost? I don’t use the machine at all, just display, and at my age I about ready to get rid of everything anyway; why leave them for an estate sale