« on: March 31, 2005, 02:00:17 pm » |
For you Dr. Pepper fans...
I came across a web site on Dr. Pepper in Dublin Texas, and found that they still make and bottle the soda there for tourists ( same concept I guess as the (Apple Farm in Pigeon Forge TN with their wines).
Seems interesting maybe I'll visit some day. Has anyone been there?
Cav. CD 22 Choice Vend 168 - Use daily.
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2005, 02:17:27 pm » |
Thanks, I guess I should do a search before I post.
Mainly wanted a thumbs up or down on taking in a side trip when I go to Amarillo or Dallas for family reunions. My daughter is addicted to DP and anything to add to the caffiene rush (real sugar) would get her attention. Or maybe the Mardi Gras birthday celebration in June.
We always go to Austin, so the Waco museum would be a side trip option too.
Cav. CD 22 Choice Vend 168 - Use daily.
dr galaga
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2005, 03:25:51 pm » |
lonestaraggie seems to give it a thumbs up. My mom was down that way and said that she wished that she knew about it earlier. She didn't have enough time to go on a tour, but she did make it to the gift shop.
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2005, 10:51:31 am » |
They featured this on TV a while back, it was pretty cool. next time I'm in the area I'll be checking it out. This is the original DP bottler. The grandson of the original owner operates it.
TERRY@SODAWORKS RESTORATIONS Lots of Round Top machines Buy-Sell-Trade-Restorations
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2005, 03:55:55 am » |
I definitely give it a thumbs up! It's a really cool tour, especially if you go on a day that they are operating the bottle line. They usually run the line one day a week, usually wednesday, when you can watch the antique bottles passing through the antique machinery. It's awesome to see in action. They are great about replying to emails if you write them. Jill or Karen will be the manager that replies and they are both super cool to deal with. If you have any old returnables to exchange they can handle that any day of the week, full cases only, and they also will give a tour on any day of the week showing the bottling line and a museum full of some really rare DP artifiacts. Hope you enjoy it. Let us know what you thought of it if you go. Here's a pic of the bottling machinery. A J
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2005, 09:15:19 am » |
That is so cool, we still have a Nehi bottling building in my hometown, it no longer runs. I've tried to buy th old Coca Cola building near it but the owner wont sell. Says he gets calls daily about it and it really irratates him.
Cav. CD 22 Choice Vend 168 - Use daily.
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2005, 09:17:56 am » |
The Travel Channel had a show on today about the Dublin plant. It was on "America's Sweet Tooth". It was interesting, I am home today and was flipping through and happened upon it. I want to visit now.
Vendo 63 Stylestar (Restored) Glascock Standard Cornelius 50 Slider (Restored)
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2005, 06:50:08 pm » |
I have been there and it is definitely a thumbs up. Unfortunatley the day I was there the bottling line was broken but we still had a good time. If you don't have returnable bottles to turn in you can still pick up some glass non returnable bottles and other goodies in the gift/soda shop.
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2005, 09:21:10 pm » |
Jasmine, Where in Amarillo is your family? I grew up there, most of my family is still in town or the surrounding area!
Eric "Joe Squid" Johnson
1955 Vendo 23 - awaiting restoration 1959 Westinghouse WC-44SK - awaiting parts 1967 Cavalier CS-64G - functional in house 1969 Vendo 63 - in restoration