I just secured this Orange Crush Quikold Standard cooler...... And I want to say THANKS

to fellow member Lonny (ld26) who gave me the heads up on this cooler! With so much on my plate right now, I havnt been searching in any manner for anything lately, but I just couldn't say no to this rare cooler!
What makes it even better is that it was from a listing IN CANADA! So I FINALLY get to pay the Canadian shipping and Canadian currency..... and NO DUTY on a machine / cooler! lol.
I have no problem waiting to restore this one.... I just love the fact that I know it's tucked away in my home waiting to be restored

Thanks Lonny for the heads up on this one! Glad to help other members and glad when members help me too.
P.S. the seller told me that he bought the machine from a older couple who were using it as a outside potted plant holder.