This wasn't a CL steal, Glen turned me on to this machine about 3 years ago. Went and saw it but couldn't agree on price with owner. A couple of weeks ago I revisited the deal with the owner and was able to agree on a deal that I feel was very fair to both.
Very clean original, complete, and works. I usually don't chase 44's very hard although I do like them. Being that it was so close to home I decided to pull the trigger.
From when I saw it the first time I forgot the machine was an original, I remembered it to be restored so when I saw it again I was surprised it was a original. Although the value would be higher if it were restored, I always to appreciate a clean original.
It seems that the 44 is the easiest machine to find as a nice original. I'm assuming because they are small most I'm sure were put in indoor locations opposed to being outside.