« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2005, 07:59:15 am » |
Would love to see the stoner machine...... I missed out on one.... Great machine! Love the stoner gum dispenser that mounts on the side too... A Great accessory for the soda machine!
WANTED: Embossed Quikold Standard
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2005, 02:21:42 pm » |
I will post before and after photo's when finished. Today I will be cutting and polishing the paint, then final assembly. terry 
TERRY@SODAWORKS RESTORATIONS Lots of Round Top machines Buy-Sell-Trade-Restorations
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2005, 06:35:39 pm » |
Stoner Candy Machines are awesome. I'm about 85% done with a Stoner Junior that I picked up in Illinois about 3 months ago. I love the "mechanicalness" of it. I've always been kinda' into things that have 'trons running through their respective veins but this Stoner has been a really cool experience so far!
If anybody here is thinking about restoring one or just needs parts, the go to guy is a fella named Curtiss. He works for Memory Lane Blvd and works closely with Back In Time Warehouse (BITW, has an Ebay store) If anybody out there knows anything about Stoner's, he it! Our candy machine brethern are just as cool and helpfull as we are!!
They stock a boatload of parts and if you need something and don't see it on the Ebay store, just give Curtiss a call (his number is listed on the BITW website) and ask away!
If anybody here needs any of the replacement "Univendor Cards" that go in the glass card holder of the junior, let me know. Also I have a bunch of the 5 cent / 10 cent price tags that go into the price/sold out flags.
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2005, 09:27:13 pm » |
Curtis is who helped me with the Frosty machine. He is a great guy.
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2005, 06:34:52 am » |
| about multi-talented! That guy ceases to amaze me! Wish they could clone him '>
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2005, 01:45:48 pm » |
Finished buffing out the paint last night on the stoner jr. I will begin final assembly today. terry '>
TERRY@SODAWORKS RESTORATIONS Lots of Round Top machines Buy-Sell-Trade-Restorations
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2005, 01:51:40 pm » |
Great job! I can't wait to see before and after photos!
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2005, 05:54:10 pm » |
Alright... I just got a call on my want ad from the state of Oregon..... I'm here in Missouri... (The paper runs the ads on a website also) anyway.... any of you folks on the coast out there interested or know of someone interested in a Stoner 180 candy machine? He's asking $400, said it needed work....if so let me know and I'll pass his # along......
The message got my heart a goin' then he said Oregon... Oh well....
WANTED: Embossed Quikold Standard
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2005, 09:41:30 pm » |
Hello Eric, I would be interested in the stoner. Thanks Terry
TERRY@SODAWORKS RESTORATIONS Lots of Round Top machines Buy-Sell-Trade-Restorations