As my first machine (which I got pretty cheap) I'm going to be doing a 'spruce-up' (I woudn't really call it a restoration), mostly just getting the rust out and adding a little 'pop' to the look. I may or may not touch the red because I'm not sure I want to deal with stencils...
The white areas are really what I need to touch up or re-do. As a noob, I had a hard time finding which white paint I should use to match the machine. I'll probably be forced to do ALL the white (since it's so grimy), which is fine, so maybe an exact match isn't important, but I know I probably shouldn't just buy an off-the-shelf Rustoleom white.
Can someone recommend the rattle can I should get from Home Depot and which finish? (assuming I'll have to clear-coat it when I'm done?)
Thanks, here's the current state of the machine: