What started him in collecting back in the 1970's, was finding an 1896 Coca Cola ceramic urn in a soon to be demolished Coca Cola plant in Arkansas. This was N.O.S. and still in the original box. Being a new to collecting, he brought it home, set it on the mantle above the fireplace
threw the box away.
He always paid top dollar, but for only quality items. His wife knew nothing about what he really paid (and she grew to HATE the whole collection). He joked with her that if anything happened to him, he wanted his ashes to be placed inside his Coca Cola urn. She joked with him, telling him that if anything ever happened ......all his Coca Cola crap would be sold at a garage sale that he would go with it.

He had liquidated most of the collection before his passing, but at his memorial.....................you guessed it,
that urn sat displayed proudly in front of everybody and he now rests in the only collectible left in the house, above the fireplace.
Even though that piece could bring up to $20K, it will stay where it is until her passing. She said the kids can decide what to do with it then.